Saturday, July 26, 2008

Awesome, man!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. We've been busy since we got back from vacation. I have vacation footage but i have a bit of a back log of older videos, this being one of them. Makes me very happy that he's enjoying air hockey so much.

So, two highlights from our vacation. The first one took place in the car, with Soen, my Dad, and my sister's family, on our way home from miniature golf. We passed a high school race track and my Dad said we had to have a big race between Soen and his eight-year old cousin (and idol) Kevin, to which Soen replied, "I hope I win!"

The second is yet another example of why my sister is a wondermom. We were at the beach and she was handing out sandwiches. She handed one to Kevin who looked at it and said, "Aw mom, it has mustard." Now if it had been the same situation between Soen and me, I would have asked him to deal with it or tried to wipe the mustard off, and either way it would have been a disaster of whining and tears. Instead Joann--without pausing or even looking up at him--said, "It tastes good at the beach, Kev," and continued her task at hand. Kevin looked at his sandwich, shrugged his shoulders, and proceeded to eat.

Awesome, man.