Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All quiet in the living room

Sadie, Soen, and Exhibit A.

It never ceases to amaze me. The thing that really makes your parenting alarm go off is when your children suddenly get quiet. Your brain gets used to a certain level of ambient noise when your children are playing. Laughter, screams, crashing, giggling, crying... that's all good. It's the sudden silences that makes me worry. Such was the case this morning when wife and I were getting ready for the day and we realized that we were the only ones making any noise. "Go check on the children on your way to work," said wife. So, I embarked on my daily commute across the house wondering what I would find as I passed through the living room.

It wasn't as bad as I expected. Sadie was busy crushing goldfish crackers on the rug, one at a time, carefully studying he mess she was making. But what made me want to write a blog entry about it was my son's reaction. He was sitting there watching her intently, like she was a fascinating TV program. When I walked in he turned and said, "Sadie did it."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rocco Mamba!

Our senior analysts were the first to call the race.
Regardless of your political affiliation, I think you'll agree Barack Obama is pretty fun to say.