Saturday, January 23, 2010

Soen Amuck

Soen reciting Duck Amuck from memory. Given his limited vocabulary and the confusion caused by Daffy Duck's speech impediment, it's funny to hear what Soen comes up with for the monologue.

Woman Woman on a Skateboard

Kind of like Snakes on a Plane... the title says it all.

Air swimming Mommy's bathing suit, no less.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Skate Party Dining Room

Wife had the brilliant idea of moving the DR table out and opening up the room as a skate rink as part of her ongoing "See? Mommy can be fun, too!" series.

It's a good series.

All the Spider-Ladies

Yeah, I know there are thousands of videos on YouTube of kids and others doing their own version of this Beyonce song. But in a Spider-man outfit? Eh? Before the camera was rolling she even had her left arm out of the costume to more closely approximate Beyonce's look.

I like how she recovers from the fall.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Giggles McGee

Soen's watched Bugs Bunny several times in his life but for some reason the Daffy Duck episode Duck Amuck cracked him up this weekend. He watched it over and over again. It was hilarious just watching him giggle with glee. We tried to capture it but he was aware we were filming him, so this little film is somewhat compromised. Oh well. Kept him happy this weekend.

Old Man

Not sure where this came from. I like his pseudo-Southern accent.

Racquetball Master

It's actually amazing how many times she missed hitting that ball. One would be hard pressed to miss it as often and as consistently as she did. She's quite talented that way.