Picking Soen up was an eye-opening experience. It was a total mob scene. Took me a half hour. Suddenly the bus looks like a great alternative. I just have to get the wife on board. She has visions of sixth graders pummeling my son into submission. Did I mention it took me a half hour to pick the boy up?
Note the hippie look Sadie was sporting. Today we switched over the the tennis/country club look. Well sort of. Note the spider-man tattoos and the blue lips and the blue streak running down her left leg. Sadie can make a mess even when chewing gum.
S -thanks for the blog and pix -- the first picture reminded me of the two little ones who just left MV a few days ago - the one of Sadie made me want to throw her into the bubble bath!
I have visions of Daddy aging quickly as he tries to get two reasonably clean, neat children out the door to their schools on time and without screaming!
Soen has an early start to his school -how's that going?
Pls. give them hugs from us! (Fasty has appeared twice since they left - his baby horns are getting larger)TS "Danny" is due here this coming weekend! dd
p.s. Soen was right - I didn't cut the front of his hair short enough! dd
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