Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It's school holiday program season, which basically consists of your kids singing a slew of Christmas songs with one made-up Hanukkah song for a fair and balanced program. In other words: Torture for me. Then again, it's a very cute torture.

We atheists need some catchy songs.


BonnieBlue said...

You mean you didn't write that song YET!

Anonymous said...

btw: that "Santa Claus Comes Tonight" is a very religious song - taken from...........was it Luke? can't quite place it? Anyway - right up there with the gospel Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer - and I'm dreaming of a White Christmas! Therapy Scott - don't delay!

We are Houserspawn(tm). said...

Regarding your suggestion that "We atheists need some catchy songs" -- I heard a guy on the NPR a few weeks back saying that some atheists have appropriated "be good for goodness sake" (from Santa Claus Is Coming To Town) as their motto.

I'm amused by the idea of Santa as a closet atheist.

(And although I'm not willing to completely abandon my theist upbringing, I have to agree that "Be good for goodness sake" is a pretty great life philosophy.)

BonnieBlue said...

OK soen is middle back row--thetallest, Right? Just so you know how desparate grandmothers are--I have played Blixona 5 times while I am stirring Fudge.