Sunday, December 23, 2007

third blog in one day

Just going through various video clips I've taken over the past month or so. This one is a little long but I like how much is going on here. There's Sadie eating ice cream while Soen and Mommy talk. In the beginning he's talking about the "barn house," which is what he calls our old Philly house. Not sure why. I like the weird music that comes in halfway through the clip, which is usually followed by wife saying, "love the music, husband." (Note to all my colleagues: See? I even inflict "Difficult Listening Hour" on my family!)

The second half of the clip is a good example of Sadie imitating Soen. She's in the imitation phase now. Earlier today she saw me practicing my golf swing and started doing it herself. I tried to catch it on film but of course she just wanted to grab the camera. That's the trouble with filming Sadie when she's not eating.

Oh, the bib Sadie is wearing says "SOEN, Santa's Little Helper."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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