Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The seasons

Sadie is actually doing a fairly good job imitating my hand gestures. I like how she wipes her hands clean of the whole thing at the end. At least she's listening. Soen, on the other hand, stared at me like I was making the sound that adults make on the old Peanuts TV specials. I edited his snarky response out.


BonnieBlue said...

She is clapping for your beautiful description! She needs ASL lessons.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bonnie - she is clapping because she knew you had finished your point and she liked the lesson!

Perhaps you should have been a teacher? Or perhaps you should think about developing (on line) small lessons for wee people?

I assume this was during homework hour? Reminds me of our encyclopedia lessons that Dad used to give at mealtime. love dd