Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sock trouble

Feeling like their father might disown them, the children go into cute mode.

Perhaps the last thing you want to hear from your naked, un-potty-trained daughter as she runs out of the room is "Uh oh." Still holding the diaper I was trying to put on her when she ran away, I went to see what I was going to have to clean up.

On the plus side, it wasn't what I expected. Instead, for some strange reason, Sadie had tossed one of her socks into a urine-filled toilet. And of course the timing of this move couldn't have been worse, as I was trying to hustle the children out the door to go to school.

Coincidentally, I had dealt with another sock emergency just minutes earlier when Soen, who after running around in the dew-soaked backyard in his socks, wondered, as he was putting on his sneakers, why they "felt funny."

Someone recently told me it was harder to raise smart children than dumb ones. I now find myself questioning the wisdom of that statement.


Anonymous said...

that is the CUTEST picture - too bad it's out of focus - just like the kids were......actually - the sock stories are really funny - you'll appreciate the humor in another 20 years! love Dee Dee

Devin Murphy said...


I'm sure it's just a ruse to test your reaction time.

Scott said...

Oh I appreciated the humor as it was happening. I thought, "Boy, if I ever get these kids off to school, this will make a great blog entry."

BonnieBlue said...

Remember the times you had to change a screaming, pained Sadie. This is the good stuff. See you soon.