Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tech Savvy

Sadie earning her keep.

The other night we were getting ready to eat dinner when suddenly I realized I didn't know where Sadie was. Then I heard music. Remembering I left my computer on with all my work crap still on the screen, I hightailed it to my office and saw this. Not only was she banging away at my computer but she had managed to turn on my iPod. She was rocking out, happy as could be.

It took me several minutes to undo whatever it was that she did to my computer. But at least I got a couple pics out of it.


Anonymous said...

Future Writers of America (FWA)- beware! - the blond curly headed babe with the feet that don't quite overhang the chair is on the lose and computer savvy!

Wait until the emails start to come in in response to her inquiry...........

This will not be the last time this happens I guarantee it! love dee dee

BonnieBlue said...

I see she still knows how to do "pigface"! What a woman!