Monday, April 23, 2007


Soen displays his new pet cockroach, Eddie (R.I.P.).

This was a cockroach Soen found on our porch. It endured the love of my son for a good twenty minutes. Then we "let it go heal." Before moving here, I had imagined we'd be overrun by bugs. This was the South, after all, and I had heard stories. So, not being a bug fan, I mentally prepared myself for the onslaught. So far, though, (forgetting the termites) we've only found one cockroach in the house, and he was in my son's shoe. Of course, my son discovered that only after he put the shoe on and then I had to calm my wife down from calling the exterminators. (Me, of all people saying "don't call the expterminators!") The most annoying bugs we've come across are the no see-ums. They're like gnats except they also bite. ("Teeth with wings" is how one golfer described them to me.) Thankfully we seem to be moving past their peak season as I haven't been bitten in almost two weeks. Hopefully, this will be my last report on bugs. Mostly I just had this cool photo and wanted to write about it.

P.S. "Eddie" was a name I suggested to Soen because I'd thought it'd be funny for the blog. He said, "No, I call him cockroach." Later, though, he came around to Eddie, realizing the humor value, I'm sure.


Jim said...

We have those biting gnats up here this year, too. All three of us have been hit.

Anonymous said...

dee dee says: let's not name them - just get rid of them! reminders of NYC! ugh.