Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The note from school

Oh Soen. Look how disappointed your sister is.

Soen came home with his first note from school. It said he doesn't listen to his teachers. Imagine our surprise. To think he made it a whole month! So we had a talkin' with him. Told him if he misbehaves again... NO TV! Today he was an angel.

One thing I like about his school: His teachers have them say "Yes ma'am" when they're being addressed. Although Soen says "Yes man," but that's close enough in my book. I've always liked how southerners say "ma'am" and "sir," so we're trying to encourage that behaviour.


BonnieBlue said...

Anything for TV. Wouldn't it be funny if you had to say, "Soen, you must watch TV or you won't be able to go to school."

Scott said...

Looks like that threat has a 24-hour expiration date because the next day, we got a letter saying they wanted to have a discussion with us about his not listening. What fun!