Sorry it's been a week since my last post. I figure you've all given up on me. But in case you haven't, here's our update. The house is still standing. The termite guys came out last Friday and sprayed and pumped 125 gallons of pesticide all over the house. Not really a pleasant thought, especially when you have two kids, one of whom runs naked all over the yard (which I'll talk about next time). But the main termite guy told me that unless they took the Nestea Plunge in the chemicals, they'd be fine. All the same, we avoided going outside for a few days. I won't bore you with all the details but this house has an unusual construction confounding the traditional termite treatment, and causing the termite guys to go to the State Inspectors to figure out how to best deal with it. Great.
As a side note, I bumped into one of the termite guys at that park where Soen ate the bark. We were talking about this and that. I mentioned what a great park this was and he agreed. Then he said, "Just don't go over there," pointing over yonder. "That's where all the homos go."
For some reason, I was reminded of this great ad for the Village Voice that pictured these two old ladies talking to each other, and in the bubble over the one lady's head it said, "Isn't it nice the Jews and Homosexuals have a newspaper just for them?" And I almost said, "How nice that they have a place of their own," but knowing this guy still had work to do on my house, I refrained.
Ha ha! I wouldn't have been to hold that comment in!!
Well, we'll see if they come back to fix the house. Maybe I held my tongue for nothing.
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