Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cute Warning

Spiderman senses danger!

I don't want this to be a cute forum but I thought this was funny enough to warrant telling.

So, my son and I have this daily wrestling routine, where we play different roles. Usually he is a dinosaur or Spiderman and I'm either a robot (if he wants to wrestle me) or a mommy dinosaur (if he wants to be snuggled like a baby).

Yesterday, he was Spiderman and I was a robot and we wrestled until he got tired of beating me up. Then he decided that he was still Spiderman but now I was Batman, which basically meant we would stand up, yell at an invisible bad guy, and then fall backwards on the bed as though we got knocked over.

Lately, he's started to be more generous with telling us he loves us. Well, towards Michaela, anyway. When I say, "What about me?" he tells me, "No, Daddy, you love Sadie."

So, there we were playing as Batman and Spiderman for a few minutes and all of a sudden he turns to me and says, "I love you, Batman." And, although I couldn't help but think of the Ambiguously Gay Duo on Saturday Night Live, I figured I'd take what I can get. "Right back at ya, Spiderman." And then we fought some more until he banged his nose on my head and cried.


Anonymous said...

Dee Dee says after 4 years old they don't even want you to kiss them. So take what you get now.

Anonymous said...

I read this one to Dan and he laughed hard. I think he was picturing you dressed up like the AG duo.

Scott said...

Now THERE would be a picture! And then they'd probably kick us out of the state.