So, after a lovely visit to Philly during which my kids were alternately sugar addled, sleep deprived, overstimulated maniacs AND complete and utter syrupy sweet angels, we returned home to NC. Scott's cousin Lauren got married and managed to squeeze a few dances in with her new hubby while spending a good part of the evening whirling an ecstatic Soen around the dance floor. Cute, yes. But travelling with children does NOT inspire undying maternal love. What does? Well, today I was serving the kids noodles and sauce while daddy was off golfing. Expecting the worse, I girded myself with a glass o wine and 6 wet paper towels. What I got was my kids trying to wink at each other across the table. That's right. I've been winking at Sadie, and she tries to imitate me--does a pretty good job too--just 2 eyes instead of one. Well, Soen thought this was HI-larious and joined in. The two of them were in absolute hysterics and we had the world's funnest "most awesome" dinner. And THAT is why I love my kids.
P.s. My husband just got all surly and said to make sure ya'll knew it was me writing--as if you couldn't tell from my run on sentences and imperfect grammar. Um, George Clooney? Looking for a wife/accountant??
Awww... I remember when our Michaela was first learning to blink. She did that same 2-eye blink that Sadie is doing. It's the cutest! And Clooney? He's mine! Mine, I say! ;)
Nope - he's definitely MINE! dee dee
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