Monday, September 24, 2007

My son, the diva.

OK, it's not the Carter Family, but I'm sure they had to start somewhere, right? Watch at the end for Sadie's new (non-food-related) trick.

Soen scolded me in the pool the other day: "Don't mess up my hair, because then people won't see my curls." Great.


Anonymous said...

I loved to hear how talented the boy is - gets that from me, of course. (Sorry - but the tune was unfamiliar to me - does it have a name?) Guess he practices at school - Sadie sure makes a good audience! love dee dee

Anonymous said...

Awwww.... it's Mini-Scott!!! (Thankfully, Soen got Mommy's good looks - whew!) Love Sadie's clapping - she's sooooo cute!!